Sunday, September 23, 2012

iPhone 5: David Pogue's Take

The iPhone is a product which has seemed to be unsurpassed in popularity. As the new iteration of the iPhone arrives, iPhone 5, people are eager to see how it performs. In this text, David Pogue, a well-respected technology columnist for the New York Times evaluates the iPhone 5 and provides his perspective on the new device. Pogue is an emmy award winning technology expert for CBS news and has been writing for the New York Times since 2000. In his review, he gives the iPhone 5 high marks, but knocks it for the new lightning port which requires an adapter to function with older technology. Pogue's peice is full of rhetoric, which creates a solid review and really accomplishes its intended purpose of allowing the reader to evaluate the iPhone. In his review, Pogue provided many images/graphics to illustrate his points and support his opinion. These images furthered my understanding of his points. Additionally, Pogue utilizes a theoretical situation, of an "iPhone 101" which is also an extended metaphor. This metaphor served to refer to the iPhone's success as a class, a set formula and the new iphone was evaluated to see how it fit in with that formula.  It also could be considered a brief anecdote around which the review is structured. I believe that this metaphor really made the review successful, as I could connect with it, and the reasoning behind his opinion.

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