"Too big too fail", a term which has been used over and over again to describe how banks have developed and been propped up by the government. They have been made failsafe to keep the economy stable. This article from the LA Times by Tom Petruno argues that the same phenomenon is occurring with the typically unstable stock market. The government continues to pump money from the federal reserve into the stock market, thereby making the market "bullish". The author also argues that should the market crash again like it has in the past, there really would not be the same level of economic destruction which has occurred in the past. Petruno presented a great deal of statistics and looked back at trends from the 2009 market crash and also presented numbers which showed the bullish stability of the current market. Although this topic would typically appear to be dull to present, Petruno takes some creative liberties and attempts to say things in a manner which keeps the reader's attention, such as quoting the typical responses of stock brokers when the market falls; "Depression!". This style keeps the reader's attention to a topic which can be boring to present, while at the same time getting his point across. It is interesting to see how the government tries to prevent further economic collapse, especially considering how every fix that our government makes seems to be a small little patch which is eventually bound to fail.
Source: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-0303-bull-market-20130303,0,7845800.story
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