Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bashing the NRA: Using a touchy topic to arouse emotion.

The barrage of recent shootings in America has recently dominated public policy debates. Recently President Obama had promised to formulate legislation to enforce background checks on guns which eventually had been shot down. Many are blaming the very powerful NRA lobby for the failure of the bill. It has been argued that the NRA is blind to all of the pain and suffering that has stemmed from the recent gun violence.  In this cartoon the NRA is being portrayed as old and ignorant individuals. The various drawings of the NRA members essentially grab the stereotype of the person. For example, Wayne Lapierre has often been viewed as an angry gun-toting crooney whereas Sarah Palin has a stereotype unique to her own(I'm assuming you can figure out that one. The juxtaposition to the smiling young kids below the cartoons is very striking. This cartoon successfully accomplishes the task of bringing more anger in to the mix against the NRA. If one thing is for sure, the popularity of the NRA is rapidly diminishing. That being said, the NRA continues to be passionate in their endeavors  something that the gun control lobby has seemed to fail to accomplish.  

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